Question & Answer (Q & A)
1-General Q & A
What does mean water quality?
Water quality is a term used to describe the chemical, physical, and biological characteristics of water, usually in respect to its suitability for a particular purpose.
On the pH scale, what numbers are acids? Bases? Neutral?
Acidic solution had a pH less than 7, neutral pH is equal to 7, and a base solution has pH more than 7.
How do I define my water hardness?
You can call your water treatment plan or municipality if you use city water, or ask professionals to test it. At Pure Water Clean Air, we do free water test.
Is municipal water treated?
Municipal water or tap water that is sent to homes, offices, and various industries is treated and processed before sending to these destinations. it means that the majority of impurities are removed before you drink the water or use it when taking a shower. But it is not pure and it still has some impurities, minerals or extra chlorine or free chlorine. Even though the Environmental Protection Agency has created water quality standards that must be met by each municipality, the quality of tap water can differ from a city to another city or from a location to another location.
What is the pH of rainwater? is it acidic?
Normal and clean rain has a pH value of between 5.0 and 5.5, which is slightly acidic. However, when rain combines with carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides—produced from power plants and automobiles, the rain becomes much more acidic. Typical acid rain has a pH value of 4.0.
What are common problems in consuming of hard water?
Hard water causes many problems. It causes dried skin and brittle hair, it causes much more consumption of soap and other detergents. It causes scale in tubs and showers as well as spots on faucets and fixtures. It also causes scaling in appliances, especially in water heaters which results in higher consumption of energy and less efficiency and costly repairs. sometimes it deposits inside water pipes and clogs them.
Why there is stain on glassware or faucet and bathroom wall tile after washing?
It means the water contains hardness or existing calcium and magnesium or even iron and manganese. The stain normally is a tin film of hard water.
Which type of water purifiers do I need?
It is a general question and the answer is related to which kind of water do you use and what is usage of water? Do you use tap water (municipal water), well water, river water? Do you want to use water just for drinking or other applications? Based on the usage of water and quality of water, the proper water purifier is recommended.
Does boiling tap water remove all the contaminants?
When you boil water at least for 3 minutes, almost all microorganisms such as e-coli, giardia, and cryptosporidium will be killed. But other impurities still are there. In other words, contaminants such as heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, insecticides, other organics, and inorganics are not removed through boiling water. One could say that by boiling tap water, you are only making it denser in contaminants.
Why we have to filter tap water?
Municipal water is treated at a water treatment plant and it is safe to drink but it is not pure. There are many impurities in water. If you want to have a better quality of water for drinking, bathing or other usages, you have to apply water purifiers. Fortunately, all the impurities in the water can be treated with the correct water filtration system to deliver clean water, better quality, good tasting, and safe water for all families.
What are benefits of purified water in your home?
Filtering/purifying of water removes all harmful impurities including organic materials, inorganic materials, bacteria, cysts and other unwanted impurities. It is cost effective compare to bottled water and reduces the negative environmental impact. It improves taste and color and removes bad smell of water. Consuming of hard water causes dry skin and dry hair, when you use treated water, it prevents the aforementioned problems. When you use treated water, there is no chemicals in water, no scale, no rust, no mineral to deposit on your fixtures, shower walls, sinks, toilet and no microorganisms. It causes longer appliance life and higher efficiency as well.
What causes musty water smell? Why does my water smell funny?
If you feel a musty, fishy, or earthy smell in your tap water, it is probably the result of an algae bloom. Algae bloom, produces geosmin (bicyclic alcohol), occurs when algae grow in a city’s water supply source. Another possible source of foul-smelling water is bacteria or metals in the water supply. Bacteria growing in your sink or in your plumbing system and pipes could lead to an earthy, musty smell.
What is rotten egg smell in water?
If you feel rotten egg smell, it is caused by hydrogen sulfide and produce unpleasant taste and smell, sometimes even rendering it unusable.
What is negative effect of existing iron and magnesium in water?
Iron and manganese come from natural environment or from industrial activity near water sources.
Iron and manganese can give water an unpleasant taste, odor and color. Iron causes reddish-brown stains on laundry, porcelain, dishes, utensils, glassware, sinks, fixtures and concrete. Manganese causes brownish-black stains on the same materials.
Is there any restriction for amount of sodium in drinking water?
For individuals on a very low sodium diet (500 mg/day), EPA recommends that drinking-water sodium not exceed 20 mg/L. In order to avoid adverse effects on taste, EPA recommends that sodium concentrations in drinking water not exceed 30 mg/L, a threshold for taste-sensitive segments of the population. The medical community, in general, suggests that people with certain underlying health conditions including hypertension, kidney diseases, or pregnancy have good reason to restrict their intake of dietary sodium. Given these concerns that most North Americans consume more sodium in meals, snacks, and beverages than is healthful, many people now watch their sodium intake from all sources, including water.
2-Filtration, Softener and Reverse Osmosis Q & A
What dose mean water filtration?
The process of passing water through a porous substance to remove solids or other impurities from water. There are several types of filtration, and each of them has responsible to remove certain impurities. It is available as media beds in tanks or as cartridge type devices. A proper filtration system can remove almost all impurities from water.
How can calculate water softener size and capacity?
Regarding the appropriate water softener size for your home, multiply the number of people in your home by the gallons of water they use each day. Multiply that number by the grains of hardness in your water to figure out how many grains need to be removed each day. Then, shop for a water softener equipped to handle the load.
What is activated carbon and how it reduces impurities from water?
It is a water treatment medium, found in block, granulated, or powdered form. it is produced by heating carbonaceous materials, such as coal, wood, or coconut shells, in the absence of air which creating a highly porous adsorbent material. Activated carbon is commonly used for dechlorination, organic chemical reduction, removing bad smell or color from water. It is recognized by the US EPA as the best available technology for reduction of organic chemicals from drinking water.
What is difference between microfiltration, ultrafiltration, Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis? Which one make purer water?
The chart below summarizes the types of particles that are removed from the water with each type of membrane filter. The green arrow indicates that the particle is small enough to pass through the filter, whereas the deflected orange arrow indicates that the filter blocks the particle from passing through the filter. As you can see from the following figure, the best quality of water (purest) is obtained when reverse osmosis is applied.

What is crossflow filtration?
Cross flow filtration is when the flow is applied across the membrane surface. As feed flows across the membrane surface, pure water passes through while concentrate accumulates at the opposite end of the membrane. The cross flow of the membrane creates a shearing effect on the surface of the membrane, which in turn reduces scaling or fouling. it is opposite of traditional filtration (dead-end technique). In simple words, quality reverse osmosis systems use a process known as crossflow filtration to allow the membrane to continually clean itself.
What is the difference between water softener and water filter?
Each of water purifiers are made based on special application. Water softener is generally used to remove calcium and magnesium (hardness) from water to produce soft water.
Water filters are mostly applied to remove sediment, organic materials, bad smell and taste and also chlorine from water.
Where should the water softener be installed?
The ideal location for a water softener is near the water’s point of entry into the house. If your home uses well water, the entry point is generally next to the pressure tank. If your home uses city water, it’s usually next to the water meter. if you prefer not to consume softened water, a separate cold line can be installed for drinking and cooking purposes.
3-Disinfection Q & A
How is ultraviolet light used in treating water?
Ultraviolet light disinfection is one of the best method for achieving proper disinfection for drinking water supplies. UV light disinfection is a process intended to inactivate human pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and protozoa that are potentially present in raw water before receiving proper disinfection. As water passes through the UV unit, an ultraviolet range of light inactivates these human pathogens. Applying UV light does not produce any harmful by-product chemicals in water.
Why does tap water taste chlorine?
The chlorine odor of tap water is a result of the “residual chlorine” or “free chlorine” which is a low level of chlorine maintained in the water as it flows throughout the distribution system (from the treatment plant to your home). A residual level of chlorine is necessary to protect the consumer from harmful microorganisms like bacteria, viruses and parasites. Residual chlorine sometimes causes to eye irritation or dry skin and brittle hair. It should be filtered out before you use it to eliminate these effects.
What is difference between combined chlorine and free chlorine?
There are three types of chlorine, which include free chlorine, combined chlorine, and total chlorine. Combined chlorine refers to chlorine that has combined directly with the contaminants. Free chlorine is the amount of chlorine that’s able to sanitize contaminants. Total chlorine is basically the sum of free chlorine and combined chlorine.
Why free chlorine should be in water?
Free chlorine refers to the amount of chlorine that is able to destroy harmful microorganisms in the water. This specific type of chlorine is highly important for monitoring purposes because it’s necessary if you want to sanitize your water source. If you don’t have enough free chlorine in the water, you won’t be able to get rid of the bacteria and other contaminants that have built up. Total chlorine is the sum of free chlorine and combined chlorine.